Tuesday July 22, 2008

       7:00 p.m.


The meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:00 pm in the Sharon Town Offices with Chairman, Richard A. Powell, Selectman William A. Heitin, Selectman Walter “Joe” Roach and Town Administrator Ben Puritz


The meeting was called to order at 7:12 p.m.


VOTED:  (Heitin/Roach) Voted unanimously to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter and at the conclusion to resume in open session.


Powell: AYE

Heitin:  AYE

Roach:  AYE


The Board resumed in Open Session at 8:22 p.m.




Chairman Powell said that Finance Director Bill Fowler was recommending that the Town hire Cynthia Doherty as the new Town Accountant.  He said that she has been the Town Accountant in Blackstone and is a State Certified Town Accountant.  Town Administrator Puritz said that Ms. Doherty has come very highly recommended.  Mr. Fowler said that the Screening Committee had interviewed Ms. Doherty and felt that this was a very good fit.  Ms. Doherty said she has served as the Town Accountant in Blackstone for 5 ½ years and as the Assistant Town Accountant in Medway for 5 ½ years. 


VOTED:  (Heitin/Roach) Voted unanimously to appoint Cynthia Doherty as the Town Accountant.


Mr. Fowler said that she will be starting on August 11, 2008


LIP (Local Initiative Project) for Old Post Road


Michael Intoccia the developer of the Sharon Commons project discussed the Memorandum of Understanding for the residential component of the project. He proposed said that there would be 100 apartments, 30 town houses and 38 condominiums. He reviewed the floor plans and location for all three types of dwellings.  He said the architecture will be consistent with that of Sharon Commons and it will look like a village.  He said the 38 condominiums will be located in one building with an elevator and a lobby as well as underground parking. He said the affordable component of the project is 25% across the board.  He further explained that even though only 25% of the apartments are affordable that 100% count towards affordable housing.  He also discussed buying an additional parcel. He plans on a separate filing for that parcel.  He discussed the timing of the project and its status with the Board of Health.   Chairman Powell advised him to keep the Board of Health apprised of the status of the project.  Project Engineer Ken Caputo said that they are seeking variances on some of the setback requirements but he believes they will be approved because they have good lot coverage.   Town Administrator Puritz said it is proposed that Attorney Mark Bobrowski provide technical assistance to the Board of Selectmen on this issue.  It is also proposed that this be a 40R project as it will provide significant financial benefits to the Town.  He said that Mr. Bobrowski is an expert on 40R projects and is extremely highly recommended.  Mr. Bobrowski then made a short presentation on the 40R process.  He said that 20 – 25 towns have adopted the 40R designation and that Haverhill has received $1.5 million.  He said that the Sharon Commons site is highly suitable for the designation because of its proximity to the mall and that the site meets the density requirements.  He reported that he has received a preliminary green light from the state on approval of the 40R designation for the site.  Mr. Bobrowski also reviewed the approval process.  He also reviewed the payment schedule – he said the Town would receive a one-time payment of $704,000.00.  Town Meeting must approve the 40R designation with a 2/3 majority. He said the LIP process and the 40R process should be a parallel process.  Mr. Bobrowski said that there would be a review of the traffic impacts (by Tom Houston of Professional Services Corporation), storm water management, and fiscal impact prior to the Selectmen sending in a complete application to the state whether it is for a LIP or a 40R.  He sees the process for both being somewhat similar as the Board wants to obtain all the information.  Mr. Intoccia said that all of the studies that Mr. Bobrowski mentioned were already completed as they were necessary for LIP approval.  There was discussion about the two new parcels that Mr. Intoccia would like to acquire from Mr. Gobbi.  Mr. Bobrowski said that they could go under the original 40R.  Mr. Bobrowski said he would like to begin the preparation of the 40R application. Mr. Bombrowki said he would like to submit the application to the state by August 31, 2008 for September 1, 2008 review in anticipation of the November 17, 2008 Town Meeting. Mr. Bobrowski said he will draft the zoning article upon Town Counsel’s approval.


VOTED:  (Heitin/Roach) Voted unanimously to accept the Memorandum of Agreement for the LIP and 40R Zoning Amendment and preparation to be paid for by the Intoccia Construction Company pursuant to cMGL Chapter 44SS 53G and authorize the Chair to sign on behalf of the Board


VOTED:  (Heitin/Roach) Voted unanimously to approve and sign a contract between the Town and Attorney Mark Bobrowski for the Smart Growth Overlay District review and preparation and authorize the Chair to sign on behalf of the Board.


Mr. Intoccia then spoke about the status of tenants at Sharon Commons.  He said he has cut down the trees because it was key for the tenants to see the actual site and its proximity to Highway 95.  He said he has letters of intent out for 40% of the mall and hopefully within 30 days should have letters back.  He said by the end of the year should have full blacktop access to the site. 


There was discussion about Old Post Road revisions from South Main Street to the roundabout at the Sharon Commons main entrance.  The new plan does not include any changes to South Main Street.  Engineer Ken Caputo made a presentation to the Board regarding this issue. After review by Tom Houston they were asked to make the blacktop space narrower and increase the green space.  They have narrowed the travel lanes to 18 feet and widened the median to 12’ from 10’.  They are also proposing to widen the sidewalk to 8’ and increased the loam strip from 3’ to 6’.  Mr. Caputo said they would like to move forward with this design.  Mr. Houston also gave a synopsis of this issue and discussed the benefits of the new plan. There was discussion regarding passage of trucks on the road.  Mr. Houston said that the primary approval Board is the ZBA and that they are aware of the change and plan on reviewing it at the next ZBA meeting.


VOTED:  (Heitin/Roach) Voted unanimously that the Board approve the new pavement crossection of Old Post Road as presented with the understanding that the 300’ of road that was narrowed had to be addressed.




Chairman Powell asked that this be held to the next meeting




Selectman Heitin said the Audit Committee had met earlier this evening and they discussed the scope of work that the audit firm accountant had done for us in the past.  They also discussed prior audits and the management letter that has been issued.  His sense of the Committee was that they would like to move forward with Melanson & Heath for the audit.


VOTED:  (Heitin/Roach) Voted unanimously to engage Melanson & Heath to do the FY’08 Annual Audit ($42,000), School End of Year Report ($6,000) and the Fixed Asset Depreciation Schedule ($5,500) and to authorize the Town Administrator to sign on behalf of the Board.




Town Administrator Puritz said that the date for receipt of all articles petition and non-petition articles is September 9, 2008


VOTED:  (Heitin/Roach) Voted unanimously that this Board open the Fall Town Meeting Warrant for petition and non-petition articles and set a closing date of September 9, 2008.  






VOTED:  (Heitin/Roach) Voted unanimously to approve the request of Heights Elementary School PTSO to hang a banner from September 8, 2008September 15, 2008 (1st position)




Town Administrator Puritz reported that in the past the Town’s Recreation Director attended the National Recreation and Parks Congress.  He said this year the meeting is going to be held in Baltimore, Maryland


VOTED:  (Heitin/Roach) Voted unanimously to approve out-of-state travel for Recreation Director Brett MacGowan to the National Recreation and Parks Congress at a total estimated cost of $1890.00




Town Administrator Puritz explained that this is due to the escalating price of gas.  Because of the large increase in gas prices the IRS has made a midyear change increasing the rate to 58.5cents per mile for use of personal vehicles for business.


VOTED:  (Heitin/Roach) Voted unanimously that the Board increase the per mile increase to 58.5 cents per mile effective July 1, 2008




VOTED:  (Heitin/Roach) Voted unanimously to approve the hanging of a banner from September 6, 2008September 22, 2008 to publicize the Energy Fair. (Week 1 – 2nd position) and Week 2 – 2nd position)




Chairman Powell said that at this point there is not enough information to hold the meeting on July 29, 2008 as the Town’s consultants are still requesting and receiving information.  He recommends an alternative day of September 4, 2008

There was consensus to have two additional public hearings and one public mailing which would announce both meetings. 


VOTED:  (Heitin/Roach) Voted unanimously that the Board schedule the next Brickstone public forum for September 4, 2008




VOTED:  (Heitin/Roach) Voted unanimously to accept the resignation of Andrew Nebenzahl from the Horizons for Youth Committee




Selectman Heitin said that Lieutenant McGrath is recommending that Sheila Joyce be appointed as a Special Police Officer.  She has been a part-time dispatcher has taken some police reserve training courses and her background check and references were excellent.


VOTED:  (Heitin/Roach) Voted unanimously to approve and appoint Sheila Joyce as a Special Police Officer




Chairman Powell said the intent of letter is to apprise people of the status of Bay Road.  He also asked people to drive safely through the detour area.  Both Selectman Heitin and Selectman Powell were supportive of the letter and asked for no changes. Selectman Heitin asked that the letter be placed in the Sharon Advocate and possibly on the web as well.  Selectman Heitin said since mid-April the Town has issued over 200 citations for running stop signs and speeding.  There was also clarification as to the area that was going to receive the letter via mail. 


VOTED:  (Heitin/Roach) Voted unanimously to approve the letter as written and disseminate as discussed.


Town Administrator Puritz discussed the Square Jam celebration scheduled for August 7, 2008 from 5:30pm – 8:30 p.m.


VOTED: (Heitin/Roach) Voted unanimously to reconvene in Executive Session for the purpose of discussing collective bargaining, bargaining with non-represented employees and real property acquisition  and at the end thereof adjourn for the evening


The Board adjourned to Executive Session at 10:40 p.m.


Powell: Aye

Heitin: Aye

Roach: Aye


